Want to learn more about why your training needs more attention?
Yes... Read on 👇
No... All good, no puppies harmed 🐶
Meet the Power Band...
Considering you are reading this it is safe to say you are in one of the following categories...
1. You are thinking about starting exercise and hope that when you get to the end of this post there is going to be some wand waving solution to skip all the hard work (you defiantly need to read on).
2. You have just started exercise and are a little confused as now your feed is flooded by different methods, programs, supplements etc.
3. You have an established training regime but are starting to see less results.
4. You are exercising and everything is going great, you are just interested in what we have to say (go you - party at your place!)
Here it goes... (& in short, trust, I talk a lot more in person)
1. Keep dreaming, anything that promises quick, fast results is a red flag, abort mission, do not pass go and do not hand over your $200...
2, 3 & 4. In the world of training today, you are programmed to believe that lifting heavier, running faster, jumping higher, pushing harder is the only way to progress your training...
Now, I am in no way saying this this is wrong. Of course these progressions definitely have their place but...
Sometimes before we progress the above we need to examine the following:
- Can your range of movement support these progressions?
- Is your body conditioned enough?
- Have you established the right movement patterns yet?
- Can your 'core' strength support the load?
- Have you spent the time to correct under active muscles?
You would be surprised, but slowing things down and focusing on the above can open the doors of heaven to progressing your training...
This is why the Power Band is such an essential training partner...
It is relevant throughout all phases of training to adapt and slowly condition the body's strength and power.
For those who have been training for a while... adding the Power Band to your dynamic warm up and cool down can significantly help increase or maintain your range of movement as you start to lift heavier and work harder...
For those starting out... Power Bands are an amazing tool not only to start conditioning your body gently and safely, but they can also assist you in exercises like pull ups for example...
If you skipped all the content and scrolled right to the bottom, in summary, you need a Power Band, actually you need a Cheeky Peachy Power Band... Ok cool, sorted!