Please see below our most frequently asked questions. If you are still unsure of something feel free to utilise the chat option during business hours on the bottom right of our page to chat to an expert or send us an email. For any return enquiries please email hello@cheeky-peachy.com 


How do I know what size fabric band to buy?

Our fabric band range consist of the following:

Size small – heavy resistance (grey)

Size large – heavy resistance (teal)

Size medium – heavy resistance (pink and black)

Size medium – moderate resistance (blue)

Size medium – light resistance (purple)

Band size does not necessarily correlate with your dress size, rather the band size is best suited for hip width apart. Our medium size band is what suits most body shapes for standard/most popular exercises used with booty bands. The small sized bands are great for exercises like narrow squats and large bands for exercises like sumo (wide-stance) squats.

In saying this, there are certain circumstances where a small or large band may be suitable for your body shape. As a guide if your dress size is 6 (AU) or below the small band may be more suitable and if your dress size is 16 (AU) or above the large band may be more suitable.


What is the difference between the Essentials bundle and the Advanced bundle?

The Essentials bundle is the most popular bundle. All three bands in the Essentials bundle are size medium and come in a light (purple), moderate (blue) and heavy (pink) strength.

The Advance bundle have three bands at heavy strength in three sizes, small (grey), medium (pink) and large (teal). Generally those who purchase the Advance bundle have specific exercises they would like to use each band for and have experience in using booty bands.


What is the difference between latex and fabric bands?

Latex and fabric bands all have their place in the fitness industry. It purely comes down to what your intentions are for the bands. If you are looking for a versatile band that can be used for both upper and lower body exercise, the latex bands are great. Although, fabric bands provide much great resistance, they don’t roll during lower body exercises and will not snap over time. Therefore, if you are looking for a band to target your lower body, the fabric band is going to provide you will much greater resistance.


How do I access my eBook?

The link for your eBook is automatically sent via your confirmation email. It is located right at the top of the email. Please ensure you save the document. It is a large file so we recommend you download it in an area with a strong Wi-Fi connection.  


Do your fabric band contain any latex?

Yes. Our fabric bands have latex weaved through the fabric fibers. That is how we get the stretch 😊.


What type of exercises can I do with my bands and sliders?

We have two different types of eBooks. One for fabric bands and one for latex bands. These can be purchased with particular bundles. We also offer a free exercise library which can be found here. 


What are your dispatch timeframe?

We dispatch daily and aim to dispatch all orders within 24 hours (Monday – Friday). We ship via Australia Post.


Do you offer a gift box service?

Yes, please email us at hello@cheeky-peachy.com if you would like to add a gift box to your order.      


Where do you ship from?

We ship directly from our warehouse in Melbourne, Australia. 


Do you have a click and collect option?

Currently no.